Free download Mass Spectrometry: A Textbook 3rd ed. 2017 Edition written by Jürgen H. Gross in PDF.
When non-mass spectrometrists are talking about mass spectrometry, it rather often sounds as if they were telling a story out of Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination.
Indeed, mass spectrometry appears to be regarded as a mysterious method, just good enough to supply some molecular weight information.
Unfortunately, this rumor about the dark side of analytical methods may reach students way before their first contact with mass spectrometry. Possibly, some of this may have been bred by some mass spectrometrists who used to celebrate each mass spectrum they obtained from the very first gigantic machines of the early days.
Now, Mass Spectrometry – A Textbook is here in its third edition. For me, the author, preparing the third edition meant an obligation to update and further improve the content of this book.
The extent of overall coverage and global organization has not changed as much for this edition as in the transition from the first to the second edition – nonetheless, many new sections have been added to adequately present the recent innovations in this ever-developing field of mass spectrometry.
No chapter has remained untouched. Each of the 15 chapters has carefully been reworked and augmented with hundreds of additions, changes, and corrections.
From the Back Cover
This third edition of the highly successful textbook, acclaimed for its comprehensiveness, accuracy, and excellent illustrations and photographs now comes with updated coverage plus numerous didactical improvements:
The number of figures has notably increased, with about one third of them now presented in color. More photographs and schematics make it easier to understand and provide valuable insights into the practical aspects of instrumentation and procedures.
Flow charts describe procedures and approaches to mass spectral interpretation and aid in decision making.
Bulleted enumerations offer a quick overview wherever several features, arguments, assumptions, or properties of a subject call for clear presentation.
Examples and notes now come with a short subheading that immediately conveys what this section is about. More examples, especially of methods and applications are given and some how-to-style paragraphs provide practical guidance.
Each chapter ends with a concise summary that is subdivided into compact sections highlighting the basics of the subject, its figures of merit, typical applications, and its role in current mass spectromety. In the case of instrumentation (chapter 4), there are even summaries covering mass analyzers type by type.
Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are now included to facilitate retrieval of references.
All of this is presented in a new, attractive layout.
The book’s website provides exercises and supplementary material
Principles of Ionization and Ion Dissociation
Isotopic Composition and Accurate Mass
Practical Aspects of Electron Ionization
Fragmentation of Organic Ions and Interpretation of EI Mass Spectra
Chemical Ionization
Field Ionization and Field Desorption
Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Fast Atom Bombardment
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization
Electrospray Ionization
Ambient Desorption/Ionization
Hyphenated Methods
Inorganic Mass Spectrometry
About the Author
Jürgen H. Gross is head of the mass spectrometry facility at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the University of Heidelberg, Germany
About the book:
Publisher : Springer; 3rd ed. 2017 edition (June 29, 2017)
Language : English
Pages : 993
File : PDF, 47MB
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