Laravel queues in action by Mohamed Said is a PDF book for free download.
Learn how to utilize their power to make your applications faster and more reliable while reducing running costs.
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Sure! This eBook is a collection of real-world challenges with solutions that actually run in production. These are challenges I met while building products at Laravel and others collected while supporting the framework users for the past four years.
But before the challenges—and because every good technical book includes a crash course—we will explore the key components of a queue system, see how queues are used in Laravel, and understand why we need to use them.
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I wrote this book with three goals in mind; I wanted it to be:
Practical; more code than talk.
Short; comprehensive yet concise.
Good looking.
We studied differential equations in high school, but because we couldn't see any use case for them, they were forgotten minutes after the final exam, right? To fix that, I covered every queue configuration and technique by using it to solve a real-world problem.
I also show you the rough edges by hitting them. We'll sit in a flight simulator and let our plane crash before I explain why we crashed and how to avoid that.
Regarding the good looking part. You will get the book PDF in two versions; light and dark. I put a lot of effort into making both versions nice to look at. Because I believe a technical book doesn't have to look boring.
Queues 101
Key Components
Queues in Laravel
Why Use a Message Queue?
Cookbook .
Sending Email Verification Messages
High Priority Jobs
Retrying a Verification Job
Canceling Abandoned Orders
Sending Webhooks
Provisioning a Forge Server
Canceling a Conference
Preventing a Double Refund
Batch Refunding Invoices
Monitoring the Refunding Process
Selling Conference Tickets
Spike Detection
Sending Monthly Invoices
Dealing With API Rate Limits
Limiting Job Concurrency
Limiting Job Rate
Dealing With an Unstable Service
That Service Is Not Even Responding
Refactoring to Job Middleware
Processing Uploaded Videos
Provisioning a Serverless Database
Generating Complex Reports
Message Aggregation
Rewarding Loyal Customers
Sending Deployment Notifications
A Guide to Running and Managing Queues
Choosing the Right Machine
Keeping the Workers Running
Scaling Workers
Scaling With Laravel Horizon
Dealing With Failure
Choosing The Right Queue Driver
Dealing With Redis
Serverless Queues on Vapor
Managing Job Attempts
Handling Queues on Deployments
Designing Reliable Queued Jobs
The Command Bus
About the book:
Page: 225 pages
Author : Mohamed Said
Language: English
File : PDF, 7Mb
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