Free download Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (7th edition) written by Ian Fleming and Dudley Williams in PDF.
This book is the seventh edition of a well-established introductory guide to the interpretation of the mass, ultraviolet, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of organic compounds.
It is a textbook suitable for a course in the application of these techniques to structure determination and as a handbook for organic chemists to keep on their desks throughout their career.
These four spectroscopic methods are used routinely to determine the structure of organic compounds. Every organic chemist needs to be skilled in how to apply them and to know which method works for which problem.
In outline, the mass spectrum gives the molecular formula, the ultraviolet spectrum identifies conjugated systems, the infrared or Raman spectrum identifies functional groups and the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra identify how the atoms are connected.
One or more of these techniques are frequently enough to identify the complete chemical structure of an unknown compound. If they are not enough on their own, there are other methods that the organic chemist can turn to:
X-ray diffraction, microwave absorption, electron spin resonance, atomic force spectroscopy and circular dichroism, among others. Powerful though they are, these techniques are all more specialised and less part of the everyday practice of most organic chemists.
From the Back Cover
This book is a well-established guide to the interpretation of the mass, ultraviolet, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of organic compounds. It is designed for students of organic chemistry taking a course in the application of these techniques to structure determination. The text also remains useful as a source of data for organic chemists to keep on their desks throughout their career.
In the seventh edition, substantial portions of the text have been revised reflecting knowledge gained during the author's teaching experience over the last seven years.
The chapter on NMR has been divided into two separate chapters covering the 1D and 2D experiments. The discussion is also expanded to include accounts of the physics at a relatively simple level, following the development of the magnetization vectors as each pulse sequence is introduced.
The emphasis on the uses of NMR spectroscopy in structure determination is retained. Worked examples and problem sets are included on a chapter level to allow students to practise their skills by determining the chemical structures of unknown compounds.
About the Author
Professor Ian Fleming graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1959, obtained his PhD in 1962, and a Research Fellowship from 1962-64.
He spent a post-doctoral year with R. B. Woodward at Harvard (1963-64), and then spent the rest of his career in the University of Cambridge, with sabbatical visits to teach at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1980) and at Harvard (1990).
He is well known in the organic chemistry world having been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1993 for his contributions to research in synthetic organic chemistry, with a special emphasis on the uses of organosilicon chemistry.
After formal retirement from research in 2002, he has been writing, and continuing to carry out tutorial teaching in Pembroke College. From 2012 to 2018 he taught a one-semester course at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.
Mass Spectra
Ultraviolet and Visible Spectra
Infrared and Raman Spectra
1D Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra
2D-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra
Worked Examples
Problem Sets
About the book:
Publisher : Springer; 7th ed. 2019 edition (January 18, 2020)
Language : English
Pages : 443
File : PDF, 15.6 MB
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