Download this PDF book: Robot Magic: Beginner Robotics for the Maker and Magician by Mario Marchese
Learn robotics through magic, or enhance your magic with robotics! This book is a beginner's guide to creating robotics-infused magic. You'll be introduced to simple DIY electronics and Arduino programming, and you will learn how to use those tools to create a treasure trove of magic bots and effects, with readily-sourced materials and everyday objects.
It's magic through the lens of the Maker Movement, with a dedication to accessibility -- cardboard meets Arduino meets magic! All ages, backgrounds, and abilities will find clever, fun projects within these pages that challenge their creativity and explode their imagination.
From the Preface
Welcome to a world where robots and magic intertwine!
My name is Mario, but my audiences know me as “Mario the Maker Magician.” I am a touring performer with a repertoire full of original robot magic, mostly created with the family audience in mind. Within the pages of this book are time-tested projects that I have developed and used in both live performances and lecture presentations all over the world.
But the concept behind these developments — the combination of technology and magic — is not new. Cutting edge technology has always been a tool used by the magician. Often, before new technology becomes mainstream or commonly known, it is used in magic… the “unknown and new” is something that magicians have taken advantage of throughout history.
Think about the first time a human voice was transmitted wirelessly. Magic! Think about the great inventor Nikola Tesla controlling a remote control toy boat in New York City’s Central Park for the first time in human history.
These moments scream magic in every way, and you can imagine the gears that would start turning in the minds of magicians as each new technological development came about. A few years ago, after a performance of mine, a child came up and exclaimed with enthusiasm, “My teacher told me that magic is just undiscovered science!” And I yelled back, “That’s exactly right!”
My journey with robotics in magic started with one simple motivation: the desire to be able to physically walk away from my magic. It’s the idea of something mechanical or robotic that can perform autonomously for a live audience, where I, the human magician on stage, become a sidekick or partner to the performance. Robot magic.
To invoke a laugh. To create a moment of wonder. To spark curiosity. This one basic concept has long inspired my builds and still constantly motivates me.
About the Author
Mario "the Maker Magician" Marchese and his wife and two children tour the country with his one-man magic theater performance, full of handmade magic and robotics. It's magic through the lens of the Maker Movement!
Mario has appeared on Sesame Street, NBC's UniversalKids, as emcee of Make's Family Maker Camp, and live on tour with renowned magician David Blaine, who calls him "the best kids magician in the world!!"
About the book :
Publisher : Make Community, LLC; 1st edition (October 12, 2021)
Language : English
Pages : 240
File: PDF, 160MB
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